Get in touch

Leeds Umbrella CIC is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that provides support to Hong Kongers settling in the UK. We offer a range of support and services, including English-speaking classes, employment support, and mental health support, etc. We also organise festive events to preserve and promote Hong Kong cultures, as well as volunteering activities to contribute to and integrate into the Leeds community.

列斯雨傘 CIC 係一間位於列斯嘅社區利益公司(CIC),旨在協助在英港人了解同融入英國社會。 我哋提供一系列嘅支援同服務,包括英文班、就業支援同心理健康支援等。除此之外,我哋亦會舉辦節慶活動,以保存同推廣香港文化,同定期參與義工活動,為列斯社區作出貢獻。

  • Employment Support 就業支援

    Leeds Umbrella CIC have received a funding from the UK government’s 2023/24 BN(O) Welcome Programme, enabling us to support Hong Kongers immigrating to the UK. We have implemented a food/catering industry training programme, including:

    👩🏼‍🏫 4 sessions of food business English speaking courses, totaling 20 classes

    👨🏻‍💻 8 webinars on food business

    👨🏻‍🔬 Level 2 food safety qualifications for free

    🧑🏻‍🍳 Work experiences in food truck and restaurants

    ☎️ Employment and business advisory hotline

    列斯雨傘 CIC 獲得英國政府2023/24年度BN(O)歡迎計劃嘅資助,令我哋有資源去支援同服務移居英國嘅港人。我哋成功實行餐飲業培訓計劃,為香港人提供英語、就業及創業方面嘅支援,包括:

    👩🏼‍🏫 4期餐飲業英語課程,共20堂

    👨🏻‍💻 8個餐飲創業網上講座

    👨🏻‍🔬 英語課程學員免費考取二級食品安全資格

    🧑🏻‍🍳 安排英語課程學員於小食車及餐廳實習

    ☎️ 就業及創業支援熱線

  • Festives Events 節慶活動

    We have organised a series of festive celebrations, providing opportunities for Hong Kongers to socialise and integrate, including:

    🥮 Mid-Autumn Festival gathering

    🎇 Bonfire Night fireworks celebration

    🎅🏻 Christmas party

    🧧 Leeds Hong Kongers Lunar New Year


    🥮 中秋團圓夜

    🎇 Bonfire Night煙花慶祝

    🎅🏻 聖誕聯歡會

    🧧 列斯香港人年宵

  • Integration Events 融入社區活動

    we have collaborated with other funded organisations to organise integration activities, including:

    🏠 UK property seminar series

    🌍 International Move to the UK Friends Festival

    🍽️Hong Kong x Ukrainian cultural exchange lunch

    ☕️ Café Gathering


    🏠 英國物業講座系列

    🌍 國際移英朋友節慶歡聚

    🍽️香港人 x 烏克蘭人文化交流午餐

    ☕️ 榕許信箋咖啡聚

  • Volunteering 義工活動

    We have organised volunteering activities, providing opportunities for Hong Kongers to contribute to and integrate into the UK community, including:

    🚮 Litter Picking 



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